We are passionate about our planet and constantly look at how to be more eco-friendly.

We as a business are as heavily reliant on energy and resources as every other company in our industry, but with a passion to be greener we are committed to sustainable practices and making big changes.

We aim to be completely carbon neutral by 2025.

We love our planet and are trying to make changes not only here but all across our industry and others we work alongside.

you can see the details of what we are working on below…


We are permanently and consistently reducing the materials used (water, electricity, auxiliaries and chemicals).

We actively encourage and promote environmentally friendly travel to and from work and currently have over 50% of the PB team who no longer use cars.

All large machinery is turned off whenever not in use and all lighting throughout the office, showroom and factory is currently being changed to low energy.


We source and promote clothing and accessories made from recycled bottles and Re-Gen Cotton.

We constantly question manufacturers who continue to use single use plastic and are in talks with the largest manufacturers in the world. We are getting very positive responses which we plan to hold them to.

Our blogs and social media updates will show all the work we are doing on this…


The longer the life of a product, the more efficient the production process becomes and the less frequently it is replaced.

PB take pride in supplying durable, stylish and very well made branded clothing which will last for years longer than the standard promotional ranges.


We exclusively use Madeira Threads which are not only the best in the world but as a company they work to their MadeiraEnviro Standards and values.


Our Screen Printing Inks are made only 4.6 miles from our factory significantly reducing the travel footprint created.

All our inks are non-toxic. The Plastisols contain 100% solids and ZERO solvents reducing the air pollutants from the inks to ZERO. The inks remain wet until the finished prints are cured equals ZERO wastage. All screens are recycled. All ink tubs are made from recycled plastic and 100% recyclable.


We now use ParcelForce for our entire UK delivery service due to their work towards carbon neutrality.





What is seagrass we hear you ask? Seagrass are flowering plants that live in shallow sheltered areas along our coast. They form large, dense meadows that provide a home for 20% of the worlds fisheries. What you also may not know is that whilst seagrasses occupy just 0.1% of the seafloor, are responsible for capturing 11% of the oceans carbon, at a rate 35 times more efficient than that of tropical forests.

Every day we lose the equivalent of two football pitches worth of seagrass, a vital tool for reducing carbon in our atmosphere. Not only does this effect our atmosphere, but also the lives of close to 3 billion people worldwide who depend on it for their livelihoods and their food source.

We look at a few ways to offset our reducing footprint including many tree planting schemes but haven’t yet found any which that we felt totally confident in. They only make a real long-term difference if landowners maintain the forest and as yet we are yet to find a company who are totally transparent about the tree planting and forests so we looked at alternatives…

So why are we telling you this? Here at PB Leisurewear we have committed to donating to Project Seagrass in order offset our carbon footprint.


We are always looking for new, eco-friendly manufacturers to work with and we are delighted to say that many are now really raising their game. Organic and sustainable is now the major factor for production with many brands and together we can make a real difference.

Throughout our brochure you will see numerous sustainably manufactured ranges. Check out some of these products in our videos below.